Finding Your Niche

In Robert Greene's Mastery, he talks about strategies to finding your Life's Task. One of the strategies focuses on finding a unique niche to occupy. There are two paths to finding your niche, the second path he calls the connecting-widening path caught my attention.

To follow this path you first need to find a field that corresponds to your own inclinations and upon mastery of that field you look for other fields that you can similarly master. Then you can combine all the knowledge and skills amassed into a unique niche that's an amalgamation of all your interests, and a true representation of yourself.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai / Unsplash

What really interests me about this path is that you can see this unique combination of skills and interests in a lot of great art and products. You can see the influence of Donald Glover's multiple careers as an actor, writer, and musician in his show Atlanta, which follows an increasingly popular rapper and his friends. Would he be able to create a show that resonates so well if he hadn't lived it as well?

Similarly, the products that best solve problems are usually from people who know those problems well. Could someone who isn't a digital nomad make a site like NomadList successful?

It's the result of these unique niches that people find through exploring their interests that inspire the path they take. The problems we're each best at solving are the ones that occur at an intersection of our interests. Finding where our interests collide is a first step to finding the things we're best inclined to create.